Monday, 5 August 2024



This blog today entitled ASTRAL is about how the SELF which is )Absolute Spirit

SOURCE) is able to enter into relativity by becoming localized into  a singularity

vortex point of reference , and this reference point becomes with elemental KOSHIC

sheaths which then gives this singularity point of reference the thing it lacks which

is that of substance, the KOSHIC sheaths are made out of elemental energy  which 

comes from the Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the highest element which is

that of the EATHEREAL element. The SPIRIT (SELF)  point of reference singularity

is then WRAPPED in KOSHIC substance which gives it the signature which we

call life. We need to understand that all the five elementals are all that of super

Intelligent  ENERGIES. The elemental forces create all the tangible bodies that

exist within this universe, which includes all the stars and planets. This blog which

spells out the word ASTRAL is also included in every human being all eight billion

human beings have an ASTRAL BODY which interpenetrates within  the physical

body. The astral is your carrier body which will ferry you out of your dense physical

vehicle when you die(change venues) and ferry you into the astral realm within your

astral body. This is a completely automatic ;process , you need to do noting, it will

occur immediately when you die. We need this astral body because we do not fully

know who we are,  which is SELF(Absolute spirit source GOD) . So Divine intelligence

has made sure that we all have a place to stay )ASTRAL REALM)  before we incarnate

again and resume our search for SELF. When we finally wake up and know fully who we

are . We can then bypass the astral realm and move onto higher things.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onro your family and friends Thanks.

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