Wednesday 14 August 2024



This blog today entitled SWORD is about the spiritual wisdom that is vouchsafed

within all life if only we could read and see the signs that are within us and around 

us in plain sight. What is WISDOM? The answer to that question lies directly within

every human being on this planet. And we are all unaware of the infinite wisdom that

is vouchsafed within the very matrix of your inner being. To DISPEL the MYTH  of

about how we are here to LEARN , this myth is totally incorrect , what we are here 

for is to UNCOVER what lies within us, buried under a blanket of ignorance.

All wisdom and universal truth are all locked up within you right now. We are the

universe in miniature and because of this divine truth   all that it contains lies within

you right now. The SWORD of FREEDOM  that will cut you LOOSE from profound

ignorance lies within you right now dear reader. We are all here to UNCOVER what

lies deep within us all. SEEK  out this Divine universal wisdom by taking time to

sit still and enter into the silence that is within you when all thoughts are stilled.

Our conscious awareness will become expanded and become more inclusive as we

venture deeper within ourselves. We nee to become mindful that behind our physical

body vehicle lies Divine Intelligent Spirit. The word LIFE means literally Living-

Intelligent- Focused- Energy, that is what we all ARE!  And Intelligent energy 

translates into that of  Divine Spirit . The answer to all your questions lies within

you right now, LOOK THERE. SWORD is about uncovering the hidden bundle

of wisdom that lies directly within you right now, it is your Divine Heritage to 

seek it out from within your SELF.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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