Saturday 17 August 2024



This  blog today entitled EMOTION is about trying to see the subtle difference

between MOTION and EMOTION. Emotions are the stained glass windows of the

soul coloured glasses, through which the soul looks at the world. Each such glass 

assists in finding in the contemplated object the same or similar colour but it also 

prevents the finding of opposite ones. Therefore it has been correctly said that a

one sided emotional illumination cannot give a correct perception of an object.

Nothing gives such a clear idea of things as the emotions , yet nothing deludes one

so much. Motion with feelings is called EMOTION, what then is moving this

feeling energy arising within you? Motion is the flow of universal life, perpetual

motion, atomic vibration,  all is one perpetual motion universe. The letter E which

is attached to MOTION  making the word E MOTION  means that the letter E stands

for the word  ELOHIM (GOD)  in human form. That is what humanity actually

is but mostly fails to recognise this most basic TRUTH. The EMOTIONAL perspective

within humanity is that of the Divine Spirit within you is awakened within your emotional

experiences while practising life in a formed vehicle the human body. Our trials and 

tribulations all make up a picture that will eventually lead you into looking within your

self for an answer to what the emotions really are. We will look within for the source

of our emotions and in doing so will find out who we really are, which is Spirit Divine

Eternal and Divine Intelligence. E for ELOHIM  is that magic letter  that separates 

Mankind from all other life. "E" is also the ability of insightful intuition  of our


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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