Friday 30 August 2024



This blog today entitled "IS" will attempt to open up an inner door that will lead

to a greater understanding of how we all our present in this LIFE FIELD expression.

An ancient occult  wisdom AXIOM  states that "ALL THAT "IS" COMES FROM

THAT WHICH  IS"?  That which "IS" that INVIOLATE SINGULARITY is that

Absolute Reality which some call GOD or the SELF/SOURCE.  All life and all

existence arise from and return to that which just "IS". To understand what life is,

we need to fully understand its inner NATURE, what is life underneath its presented 

form ? The answer is that of Spirit  and when spirit MOVES in an IDEATION

SEQUENCE it then becomes a relative phenomenon divine intelligent energy. All

life universally is that of Divine Intelligent Energy . THE INVIOLATE Singularity

(GOD)  manifested  an IDEA  this IDEA became expanded into infinity so that it

became a relative infinite universe FILLED WITH infinite diverse possibilities arising

from within that Absolute MIND of the INVIOLATE Singularity SELF. From the

ONE  came the MANY and from the MANY came the ONE. That is the Divine 

Equation  in a nutshell.  The answer to the question of what is life is really remarkably

simple . Life is Spirit in motion CLAD within KOSHIC SHEATHS , remove the MOTION

and KOSHIC SHEATHS  and all that is left is PURE SPIRIT. Which is the INVIOLATE

Singularity SELF. This entire universe is made out of MINDFUL INTENTIONS and

the life principle is manifested within infinite variety .ALL the stars and planets are all

life each star and planet has its own KOSHIC SHEATHS  over its inner essence which is

Spirit. Humanity is eight billions KOSHIC SHEATHS of the ONE INVIOLATE


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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