Tuesday 13 August 2024



This blog today entitled SOLID is about the hidden reality that behind all life 

universally , lies that of Divine Spirit . Life is the relative expression of that which

is Eternal Spirit. Life is the shadow cast into form by that of Eternal Light and

infinite radiance. The Spirit within all life expressions is motionless, while its

relative temporal expression has atomic vibration. This universe is a "STAGE  OF

MIND DYNAMICS",  Absolute Mind of SOURCE  has devised the principle of

infinite diversity of Spirit Being  motioned into form. This form we call LIFE ,

Currently our understanding of life is very very limited, We fail to understand 

that all stars and planets for instance are all ALIVE and possess infinite intelligence

mountains and stones are more accurately described as being in a state of  "PROFOUND

LETHARGY" but they do have atomic vibration within their core .Divinity is the inner

light of all the infinite diversity universally. Life is the shadow cast by that inner Divine

radiance. Mankind who had the ability to be SELF  AWARE is able to look within their

being and seek out answers as to the question of WHO AM I REALLY? We have

reached that point on the evolutionary cycle where we are awakened into SELF

KNOWING and  I AM AWARENESS . we have the ability to look within ourselves

and seek out the true inner nature of our true DIVINE BEING. When we fully know who

we are we are then able to feel that HOLY Presence of Divinity within our inner selves.

Our  I AM awareness gives us the ability to look within ourselves and discover our

true  immortal nature. That Divine LIGHT that RADIANCE  of Spirit lies within every 

human being on this planet. SEEK THERIN and FIND IT.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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