Thursday 8 August 2024



This blog today entitled VEHICLE is about the unseen process that takes place in

order for Divine Absolute  SPIRIT SELF to become localized into this space time

continuum, and then become presented into a VEHICLE of expression , we call a 

human being. What in essence is a human being(vehicle? In essence we are all that

of Absolute Intelligent SPIRIT. SPIRIT is ETERNAL UNBORN. Now this Absolute

intelligence  WILLS that it wants to experience relative based duality. To do this it

has to bring about certain  conditions that will permit the Absolute Intelligence to

be able to become LOCALIZED into this relative  space time continuum. To do

this  Divine Intelligence  "surrenders" an ATOM of its being into a singularity

vortex which then  condenses SPIRIT into that  of Pure Energy  . This energy is

then rendered into the Divine Elemental Kingdom  of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and

Ethereal element and with these divine ingredients added to the mixture (KOSHIC

SHEATHS)  then the sequence of dimensional layering takes place . Here we need 

to understand that humanity (collection of vehicles) is presented within five layers

of dimensional densities these are awareness layers of localized perceptions which

layers the levels of consciousness awareness the vehicle needs to become fully functioning.

Each human being (vehicle) has these five layers around their physical body, like

five layers of your AURIC FIELD. As we grow in maturity and begin looking within

we begin to access these inner layers of awareness . The word humanity means really

that of eight billion Spirit VEHICLES all collecting experiences of tangible life.

Behind the "FACADE OF FORM" the physical and astral bodies , behind these five

dimensional densities that make up our full presentation sequence on Earth, Lies

that of who we really ALL ARE. Which is that of DIVINE Eternal UNBORN SPIRIT.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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