Sunday 25 August 2024



This blog today entitled SPIRIT is about how we can better understand this word

by venturing deep within ourselves . To seek personal insight into who we really

are, is the best thing we can ever do in our lives. We owe it to ourselves to fully

know who and what we really are. What is our true inner nature? Do you know?

If not then don't we want to find out the answer to that question? What is the connection

to us in the word SPIRIT? To answer that question we need to first understand how 

the human race is presented  upon this planet Earth. We are presented within a trinity

of expression which is that of being physical,  mental, and spiritual, a three fold 

expression . So this reveals that SPIRIT is part of who we really are, it is in our

nature. We are physical mental and spiritual beings. This is a FACT. So when we now this

fact we can then look within us for the truth of our spiritual inner nature. By looking within

ourselves we can begin to gain some insight into our hidden inner nature. Most of us are

all very familiar with our physical and mental beings but what about our spiritual inner

nature? Here we need to begin a journey of personal  discovery about our true inner divine

spirit nature. We will begin to find that there is so much more to us than we could have ever

imagined. Inner seeking with meditation or yoga will begin to awaken your inner divine

spirit nature, we will begin to see that we are all divine immortal spirit beings. We will

see that our physical bodies are just vehicles which the spirit uses to gain purchase here

on Earth. We will discover that we have had many lives  and many incarnations , we will

see that we have an ASTRAL BODY  , which we use each night when asleep, and depart in

it when we DIE(CHANGE VENUES) and are ferried into the astral realm, for a rest and

take stock of our last visit here on Earth. Then back we come to become more fully awakened

Until we totally wake up and see that ALL we are is PURE ETERNAL SPIRIT. THEN

we are done with this planet forever.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If tghis blog resonates withn you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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