Thursday 15 August 2024



This blog today entitled SLIDERS is about how life arises within the universe 

and what exactly is LIFE? Also the sequence of motional dynamics that enable 

spirit which is Absolute Singular Omnipresent Intelligence to become localized

into the relative life and existence stream. Fist we need to understand exactly what

life is, to put it simply , life is divine absolute spirit , localized into this duality based

universe and covered over by Elemental KOSHIC SHEATHS  which we call the 

physical body vehicle.  Life and existence are a cooperative of Elementals intelligences

that provide the outer relative coverings for the REAL THING which is SPIRIT

the Eternal UNBORN CONSTANT REALITY. Life and existence are just a temporal

phenomenon , behind and back of all life lies that of DIVINE SPIRIT ATOM.

Life and existence totally fill this universe with an infinite amount of KOSHIC sheaths,

The Divine Elemental Intelligences which are five in number which are Earth, Air, Fire, 

Water, and the Ethereal element have the full responsibility to CLOTHE all phenomenal

existences  within this universe. The five Divine principles , the five Divine Powers  serve

this universe by DIVINE DECREE to fullfill its will to manifest an infinite diversity of

motional expressions (life) in an order that begins without knowing  just motioning

then to gradually acquire awareness and knowing, we call this principle that of

evolution. All life is spirit  in motion clothed in KOSHIC sheaths hiding our inner

divine spirit.. Humanity is at the APEX POINT where it has self awareness and an I

am self aware. This means that many of us now know that we are DIVINE SPIRIT

enclosed in a life called vehicle.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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