Sunday 11 August 2024



This blog today entitled EFFORTS  is about the "invisible spectrum of presented

mankind". EFFORTS is our invisible inner being which is that of pure intelligent

energy fields. Every human being is presented into the life frequency vibration by

visible and invisible energies. This blog is about the far lesser known presentation

which is the invisible spectrum sequence that enfolds every human being. Human

beings are invisibly presented within a double doughnut shaped toroidal field of

undulating electromagnetic energy which completely enfolds the physical vehicle

within the heart chakra lies a reference point of a singularity point which is where

the ATOM of Divine Spirit  is located. The entire toroidal field is connected to the

heart chakra which lies in the centre of our physical chest area. The doughnut shaped

torus meets at the centre point and pulsates up and down from there. The visible 

human body vehicle is the tip of the whole presented package , only about 1% is

visible and 99% invisible electromagnetic intelligent energy, All eight billion human

beings are all fully and totally connected and interconnected to the Toroidal field

of intelligent electromagnetic light energy. There is ZERO separation from the total

and Absolute connectivity. of all life here on Earth and within the universe. The energy

field is total and absolute connectivity. Human beings flow down into incarnation from

higher dimensional fields, we are all presented within five layers of dimensional density

awareness this can be seen by sensitive souls  as the electromagnetic AURA that surrounds

every human being. The AURA is a electromagnetic spectrum of dimensional fields we

are all fully connected to EFFORTS  is about representing our inner invisible Selves

which is seldom if ever mentioned.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then pleae pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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