Sunday 18 August 2024



This blog today which spells out the word VERTEBRA of which there are thirty

three VERTEBRA bones which make up the spinal column. Thirty three bones

that enable us to stand erect. Our spinal column is the stairway that leads us into

FULL SELF KNOWING. Another name for our spinal column is that of JACOBS

LADDER, its the ladder we will all climb when we awaken the KUNDALINI energy,

that lies dormant in our root chakra. This Divine energy becomes activated when we

make the decision to turn our gaze inward and take up the practice of meditation or

yoga. The "VISION ENFOLDED" is within our root chakra that is where the 

ascension process begins when we open the door t the higher spiritual energies that

lie dormant within most of humanity . Millions of us are completely ignorant of what

actually lies within each one of us. These thirty three bones in our vertebrae are just 

like a ladder which is what the story of JACOBS LADDER in the BIBLE relate to

each VERTEBRA  we ascend to in our individual ascension into SELF REALIZATION.

This is why the number 33 is of a most profound significance and has been known about

for thousands of years . The KUNDALINI experience is when that spiritual energy begins

to ascend to each chakra along the upward ascension, when it finally reaches the crown

chakra in the head , there is what is called the KUNDALINI awakening  which can result 

in what is called the SAMADHI state of awakening, which is also called cosmic

consciousness , our SPINES are the JACOBS LADDER that can lead you into fully

realizing your inner Divine TRUE NATURE . We are all SPIRIT and our spinal column

is the ladder to FULL SELF KNOWING.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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