Friday 2 August 2024



This blog today entitled COOLING is about the creative process that brings

about all life into phenomenal existence, and how all life arises from within 

an ORBITATION process as it TORQUES around a stationary point of the

eternal NOW. All life is in a SPIRAL ORBITATION process , which expands 

outwards from a fixed point within the eternal  motionless NOW. The  NOW is an

Absolute point within the Absolute MIND of the SELF/SOURCE. From  this

pointless point all life arises  from within the ocean of MIND. Evolution is a Divine

process that permits Absolute Intelligence to experience the full measure of all

dimensional layers of expression. Evolution is really a process of  ORBITATION

around a fixed point of the NOW , a singularity point which expands exponentially

into infinity. The NOW is eternally motionless, and all life ORBITS or TORQUES

around in ever expanding orbits, this has been going on for billions of years. We that

of Humanity have all reached an orbital point in our evolution where we have become

SELF AWARE this SELF AWARENESS is the APEX POINT in our evolutionary

cycle , humanity can now look within itself and begin to understand our connection

to all life, and then the discovery of our Divine spiritual heritage. We can consciously

look back and see how we have progressed from a singled cell AMEBA to that of

a human being. We can all feel a presence within us , our intuition faculty will

fire up if we look deeply within us. Then we will begin to connect  to our HIGHER

SELF. Which is our DIVINE INNER BEING. COOLING  is about waking up and

see what this ORBITATION  has brought you to the DOOR OF SELF 


warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks

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