Monday 12 August 2024



This blog today entitled PEELED is about how all life universally is presented

including Humanity and life on Earth. Here we need to answer that most fundamental

question of what exactly is LIFE? Here we enter into uncharted waters. Life is

manifested by the Five Elemental Elements of Earth, Air, fire, water, and the Ethereal

element, from these five elements all physical bodies are made universally, this also

includes all the stars and planets in the universe. PEELED  is about PEELING away

the vast layers of ignorance that surround our understanding of what LIFE actually IS.

LIFE is the Embodying principles of the FIVE  intelligent elements which surround

the SPIRIT with layers of KOSHIC SHEATHS which manifest as a physical vehicle

for whatever life form manifests. LIFE really means the condensing process of pure

elemental energies, into a tangible collection of ATOMS that materializes as that

of a relative physical vehicle. That is what humanity is made of. Life is really just 

a temporal incursion of Eternal omnipresent Spirit into this relative dimension in

order to experience tangibility. All life begins and ends it is a temporal experience.

but behind all life and all of humanity lies the core inner matrix of Eternal unborn

Divine Spirit. Divine wisdom manifested the FIVE Elemental Intelligences so that

they could serve the will of the Divine Intention and enable life to evolve in infinite

ways of diversity. This universe is a place of UNFOLDING IDEAS which we call

evolution. The primal IDEA is being played out by the Life principle expansion 

sequence. Humanity are at the APEX POINT of SELF AWARENESS , we can see

and FEEL the Divinity within us, we are life in the outer phenomenon , and Spirit 

eternal in the inner NOUMENON.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it ont your family and friends Thanks.

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