Monday 19 August 2024



This b log today entitled APP -IF is about what we all OUR and know it not! All

life humanity included arises into relativity from the Absolute SOURCE of all

there IS the SOURCE or SELF. The SOURCE is Absolute Perfection , which

translates as WHOLENESS-COMPLETENESS, then to become animate

LIFE the Absolute becomes relative and enters into the relative universe as a

living (vibrating) thing. Humanity is Perfect  but we fail to recognise this because

we all think that we are SEPARATE BEINGS APART from the WHOLE SOURCE

and this mind set of being SEPARATE from SOURCE is the reason of all our woes

and tribulations. The word APP which is short for application began billions  of

years ago . The PRIMAL APP  was used when SOURCE THOUGHT about MOTION

and brought about this universe as a product of THOUGHT. "WE" are all the APPs

of the SOURCE MIND. INBUILT within every human being is a way to find your

true SELF. This inbuilt signal  is that of the OM/AUM when we tune into our inner

being , we achieve what is called the "ACQUISTION of SIGNAL" "AOS" . This

ACQUISTION  of signal the OM/AUM  is a "HOMING BEACON"  that will guide

every soul back into remembering who you really are. A perfect spirit intelligence

undergoing a relative experience as a human being within a biological machine

vehicle. Divine intelligence has placed within us all a "BEACON OF HOPE" and

the ability to wake up and know that you are NOT a SEPARATE BEING apart from

SOURCE  , but rather you are wholly whole and complete within your IMMORTAL 

REAL SELF. SEPERATION from our WHOLENESS  is the root cause of all our

woes  and wars. Look within and tune into the "AOS" and find your true immortal


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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