Thursday 1 August 2024



This blog today entitled COME is about the MINDS ability to "simultaneously have

awareness of past, present, and future experiences". That is what the word

CHRONESTHESIA  actually means. I have personally experienced this in a most

profound way back in 1975. On that back in 1975 my then girlfriend and I went for

a drive to GLASTONBURY in ENGLAND. Before we left for the first time and only

time in my life I took a note book and pen with me, (it seem seems that my subconscious

mind knew what  was to come) . We arrived in Glastonbury parked the car there was

a seat nearby  and I went to sit down there. As soon as I did my mind  became full 

of information  about who I was in a past life , I started writing this down , it seems that

I was a monk there in Glastonbury back in 1646 and that I had a hostel to house pilgrims

that came to Glastonbury because of its ancient Christian heritage. This was a most 

vivid experience, I have had others over the years, but Glastonbury was the most profound.

Where you can be in the past and present simultaneously , it made me realize that the

MIND is only a localized point within  our physical vehicle . After practicing meditation 

for fifty years ,I have realized that there is only ONE MIND universally  and we all tune into

this ONE ABSOLUTE MIND.CHRONESTHESIA  suggests that time does not exist

as we think we know it, rather all "TIME" exist FOREVER in ONE POINT of the 

ETERNAL NOW. NOW includes past, present, and future which all occur within this

ONE NOW PERIODLESS PERIOD. The energy of our mind is absolute and infinite

it is only limited by our ignorance of how to tune into its full universal infinite potentiality.

COME is about expanding our awareness of mind and looking within for that wisdom

that lies within us all.

warmest regards michael an y feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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