Wednesday 28 August 2024



This blog today entitled GRACE is about what is the nature of GRACE and who or

what dispenses this Grace upon us? That is an interesting question, the answer that 

comes to my mind , is that the dispenser of GRACE upon anyone of us, is that of

Natural  Law. GRACE is an indication that we are aligning our inner being with the

natural law of this universe . When we feel gratitude we are affirming our presence 

within the wholeness of expressed life . We are thankful for our being in this place 

and that inner feeling brings about a feeling of being blessed , what blesses us is not

some Great Spirit of the universe , but rather the perfect laws that emanate from within

that Divine Source of all there IS.  Gratitude opens up an inner door within us which 

leads to an cognitive expansion of our consciousness and awareness. GRACE flows 

out from our Higher Self it seeps out into our aware consciousness when we begin

to align ourselves to the inner flow of the life stream which is about expanding our

awareness of just who we really are. In the greatest depths of spiritual truth "WE"

have become embodied and condensed spiritual law. We are divine law embodied in FORM

(PHYSICAL VEHICLE) . GRACE seeps into your conscious self when the awakening 

into our true SELF begins to FLICKER within us as our inner FLAME of Spirit begins

to show IGNITION of the HOLY FLAME . We are the universe in physical form, our

bodies are made of super nova's that exploded billions of years ago we are that star dust

in physical form. GRACE is your inner HIGHER SELF trying to get your attention and

entice you to look further within yourself to find that home of GRACE, which is your

Higher SELF. GRATITUDE is LIFE'S way of opening up our inner doorway.

Blessings michael/ any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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