Monday 26 August 2024



This blog today entitled  ELFISH is about the Elementals who make up our entire

physical and astral presentation package that makes up what we call LIFE and that

of Humanity. To fully understand this process that has been in operation for billions

of years, we need first to fully understand what life actually CONSISTS OF , the word

LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused- Energy- that is what life actually IS, Living

Intelligent Focused Energy and the name for all this ENERGY that is Intelligent is that 

og the five ELEMENTAL FORCES that embody everything in this universe including

all the stars and planets. Earth-Air-Fire-Water- and the Ethereal element are the five 

LIFE EMBODYING PRINCIPLES  within this universe. They only act in accordance 

to that ABSOLUTE WILL of the SOURCE/SELF /SPIRIT. All life in ESSENCE is that

of SPIRIT and when Spirit want to enter into a relative state in this temporal universe it

summons the elements to supply a KOSHIC covering so that pure spirit does not contact

gross matter. Humanity in essence is that of eight billion spirit FACETS  of the Absolute

ONE SINGULAR  SOURCE/SELF. Our presentation sequence involves all five spiritual

Elementals which enable spirit to become a Human BEING . It begins with the highest

ethereal Bliss Body, and flows down into density using the other four elements to make 

our mental and wisdom and astral and human bodies . All of humanity is a five fold 

presentation package, that spans five dimensional awareness layers of differing densities.

We each have an inbuilt astral body which we need when we die (change venues)  and 

also to visit that realm while we sleep. The astral body is the one that we use in between

incarnations learning about who we really are. Without the loving loyal service of the

Elementals we could not exist within this universe. The Elements SERVE US ALL   without

our even knowing about it, until today that is.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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