Tuesday 6 August 2024



This blog today entitled HABITS is about our presentation sequence upon

this physical Earth and that how our ASTRAL BODIES are the living SOUL

(spirit) which we keep through many many incarnations upon this planet. Our

relative physical appearances change every time we incarnate either as a male

or female. But the Astral signature point of reference which is the soul (spirit)

atom of Divinity remains the same in every incarnation upon this planet. The 

Astral Body  is that of ETHEREAL Intelligent energy and has an outer appearance

and an inner point of reference. What we need to understand is that the Astral Body

is still that of a KOSHIC SHEATH, the SOUL BODY is a KOSHIC SHEATH.

Behind that KOSHIC sheath lies that of Absolute Spirit BEING the SELF.

Humanity is at the APEX POINT on its evolutionary cycle but we still have a way to go.

The reason we are all here is to UNCOVER who we really are, and doing this takes many

incarnations spanning thousands of years. The Astral body is the Divine signature. a HOLY

ATOM  that anchors you in the cosmos,  and propels you along to reach a point of FULL

SELF KNOWING, when that occurs the ASTRAL BODY will dissolve back into the

elemental realms from whence it came thousands of years ago, and YOU will become 

what you have always BEEN and KNOW IT NOT, which is that of Divine SELF

Absolute. Evolution is an "IDEA" within Absolute Mind and "WE" are all IDEA made

manifest into form and shaped by the passage of experiential time . WE are here to WAKE


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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