Wednesday 7 August 2024



This blog today entitled DIVINE is about that hidden principle of INTUITION

which is vouchsafed within every human being on this planet. The principle of

INTUITION and principle it surely is, will awaken  any human being into full

SELF knowing and understanding of its self. Our intuition is a Divine principle

embedded within the inner matrix of our being and is our direct connection to

the universal wisdom of the Cosmos. When we encounter a crisis in our lives and

our backs are up against the wall , we will sometimes hear an inner still small voice

of our intuition  whispering words of comfort to us, this still small voice of the soul

is our intuition seeking out contact with us in our times of trial. Our intuition can also

be contacted by us without the need of any crisis, by taking up the practice of 

meditation and going deeply within ourselves. When we can let go of all thoughts

and enter into the inner silence , we will then become aware of our intuition. It will

and can be like your very own personal GURU, that inner voice will speak within you

and begin to teach you all about your inner Divine nature. By entering into that inner

silence you will become gradually awakened into a reality you never knew existed.

INTUITION means literally "to be taught from within" and your teacher or GURU 

is your intuition, which is a Divine Principle embedded within all humanity.

Intuition will teach you that all universal wisdom and universal truth all lie deep

within YOU right now. We are the universe in MINIATURE , when we go within 

ourselves we are UNCOVERING what lies deep within us. We are not here to learn

but rather to UNCOVER what lies deep within us all. Layers of ignorance we have to

uncover to find that NUGGET of GOLD that is there within us. INTUITION opens

the DOOR to full SELF KNOWING.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto yur family and friends Thanks.

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