Friday 9 August 2024

I R R E S I S T I B L E F O R C E . I F .

This blog today entitled IF is about how this IRRESISTIBLE FORCE came online

within the Intention thought wave which manifested in the Absolute MIND of the

SOURCE of ALL. This Irresistible force was the Intention thought wave , that 

gave birth to this universe , and brought about what we call that of LIFE. All life

universally is basically a product of Divine Mind. The Absolute irresistible force

is the Thought wave of Absolute Mind. This primordial intention thought wave is

the matrix core of all other universal laws whether immutable or mutable. The law

of evolution is that of infinite diversity all over this universe. It is an intelligent

law that guides its charges slowly along a journey that will eventually result in

that life form becoming self aware. The inner intelligent  core of the life form 

(spirit being) is unaware of its self in these lower stages of life expression, spirit

is in an amnesic state of forgetfulness, solely confined to its informed state of 

expression confined to its species. Humanity is now within what is called the 

APEX POINT  in its evolutionary journey and has the ability of SELF AWARENESS

This I AM STATE is the point where MANKIND can say those HOLY  WORDS

of "I AM". These two words are the ones that GOD to MOSES when he asked who

shall I say sent me??> To which GOD said tell them "I AM" sent you! I AM are

the words of AWAKENING into our Divine Heritage . That IRRESISTIBLE 

Divine FORCE is within "YOU" right now. Look there and make contact with

this IRRESISTIBLE force of Divine Power which resides within every human

being on this planet, ALL we need do is to look within , still all thoughts, and 

listen to that inner voice of your INTUITION.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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