Thursday 29 August 2024



This blog today entitled PSYCHE is about what it is , PSYCHE meaning "The Soul

Vital principle  of MIND" When we begin our inner voyage of Self Discovery by

taking up meditation or yoga , we begin to delve deep into our inner self. Our phenomenal

self is our outer appearance  plus our brain and inner organs. These outer appearances are

what we will soon find on looking deep within us, as that of our surface human nature

our lower ego self which is that of personality and the illusion of being an individual.

When we have managed to still all our thoughts and entered into the silence within . We

will then begin to become aware of an inner PRESENCE within us. This inner presence

will emerge as that of your higher SELF  which will emerge from within your self awareness

as you will in this inner silence hear a still small inner voice, this is the voice of your 

intuition and your intuition is that of a personal GURU who will reveal the true nature

of your HIGHER SELF. Which is that of the invisible NOUMENON which is your 

inner Spiritual Divine essence. Our lower ego self will if we persevere with our 

meditations or yoga , will slowly fall away as we begin to wake up to our true Divine

inner nature, our higher self is the true nature of our BEING. BURIED within each one

of us are layers of ignorance that VEIL  our true Divine Immortal Nature. By going

within we will UNCOVER these layers  of ignorance and will find that we have access

to universal wisdom that has been hidden from our view. PSYCHE is about yielding

to the hindsight that will surface in your mind and be able to engage your Higher Self

to reveal your true Immortal  Divine SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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