Sunday 16 June 2024



This blog today entitled TOE is about evolution and what it actually is. What

is it that is evolving through the medium we call life? And where does TORQUE

come into this unfolding sequence we call evolution?  Life evolves in a spiral 

formation, all life rotates , spirals, unfolds, within  a fixed  point which  is the

stationary motionless NOW. NOW is the fixed point the singularity that all life

rotates around on ever widening vectors of expression. TORQUE twists through

all life in thee dimensions of vector which are physical ,mental, spiritual . TORQUE

can be seen as an pseudo-vector in the way that it twists life in ever expanding 

circles. If we  imagine a dot which represents the most primitive life formation then

gradually imagine that from this dot life begins to rotate or TORQUE and this dot

in ever increasing circles , which we call evolution. We need to be mindful that this

rotation sequence can take millions of years . It has taken billions of years for us in

humanity to reach this point where we are. If we can now imagine a dot that began

billions of years ago , and visualise the ever expanding toque  spiralling upwards 

into an ever widening circle , we will see if we could look down this funnel or

torque  of life , we would see it tapering down into a fixed point in the NOW.

in effect we would be looking back billions of years in the distant past   where

life first emerged on Earth. LIFE is a TORQUE INSPIRED IDEA from within

ABSOLUTE MIND, and we can now see through our I AM SELF AWARENESS

how this TORQUE TWISTER has unfolded today. TORQUE TO ME??

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it obto your family and friends Thanks.


  1. A fascinatingly clear explanation of something I had been pondering for decades. There are only 3 types of "motion". Linearly, we move forward with our "spiritual will". Rotationally, is like a collective unit of wisdom or quality that "we have absorbed" through the acceptance of it. And this spiral-cyclic that you've brought up - is the evolution of it all within "that which we are".

    But I never visualized these 3 motional energies behaving as a "torque-like" action as a result of the combined forces of physical, mental & spiritual (fohat?) - "all at once" - until seeing it explained here, like you've done.

    The 3-dimensional perspective is what put it in place for me. I was missing the "circular" until visualizing a spiral moving "at me from my own point" - (my own "singularity") - instead of "out in front of me". Thanks for the visualization.

  2. Blessings Byron thanks for your insights here.
