Saturday 8 June 2024



This blog today entitled BLISS is about us being able to understand what is

really being presented universally as life, and beginning to fully realize that

all life in this universe is basically and actually that of the visible shadow of

the invisible divine SPIRIT. Science has not yet realized the inner nature of 

what is termed  as a solid shadow. Spirit is the essence of light Presence this

PRESENCE is within us all. The inner light that is invisible to the human eyes .

Life is presented upon the stage of becoming as that of a phenomenal solid 

light presenting light energy that has become congealed and set into tangible 

matter. All life universally is a solid shadow of an inner invisible NOUMENON

which is Intelligent Energy  which is that SPIRIT. Humanity stands on the APEX

POINT  on the evolutionary cycle of BECOMING and what are we all BECOMING?

We are all gradually becoming  lighted beings. Our dense ATOMIC MATRIX is 

gradually becoming less dense . For many humans on Earth today are looking deeply

within themselves and meditating and doing yoga, this has the profound effect on

raising up the gross body shadow into much less density shadow being.  What occurs

to these seekers of inner silence is that they begin to loose their dense physical atoms

and begin to acquire far less dense ETHEREAL ATOMS which make the vehicle

more illumined that before, this is called a lighted inner body . We can all do this self

illumination which means lighting up your inner self , to IGNITE the inner sacred flame

of your divine inner SPIRIT which lies deep within your core of BEING. We are all

slowly leaving the dense shadowlands of gross self ignorance and beginning to see

the light that exists within each one of us, BLISS  is the inner journey into the light

of your true SPIRIT SELF.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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