Friday 14 June 2024



This blog today entitled HAUNT is about how we that of Humanity can begin to

realize that we are all destined programmed into our DNA to be able to expand 

out our inner knowing , and the past that HAUNTS us all. Ascension is about being

able to fully recognise what and who we really are, what is our full potential?

Evolution was the older word for our expansion and inner growth. Today the 

BUZZ word is ascension and DNA activity. We can begin by understanding that

we are all presented upon this stage of life as a three fold sequence , we are physical.

mental, and spiritual  beings , unless these three modes of expression are balanced.

We are in effect half cocked not firing on all three cylinders. Most of us are very

familiar with the physical and mental  aspects but often the spiritual dimension

of our being is neglected. This neglect makes us unbalanced , so to begin with our

ascension we need to make sure we are firing on all three cylinders of our full

expression. Explore our spiritual dimension within us. When we can do that we

can then take up meditation or yoga and begin looking within ourselves, sitting

in silence, letting go and stilling all thoughts , when we can do this , we are well on 

the way to begin our ascension into higher levels of consciousness and  perceptive

awareness. We have to take full responsibility for ourselves, nobody can do this for

you. Within us all lies the power of INTUITION  this faculty is the doorway to full

inner knowing. Our INTUITION can and will become your very own very personal

GURU That still small inner voice that often offers words of comfort when we are

in a crisis situation  is our INTUITION. Tune into your personal GURU, and begin 

your SACRED JOURNEY into full SELF Knowing.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you  then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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