Monday 24 June 2024



This blog today entitled SOLE is about "US" you and me and all of Humanity, and

how we are all expressed into this relative space time continuum here on planet

Earth. When we break down the inner nature and matrix of what life actually is,

we find that LIFE stands for Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy, so here we realize 

that what we call life is that of intelligent intangible energy. This intelligent energy

which is intangible and also omnipresent , has to be somehow localized into a 

condensed format , which in our case is that of a human body. LIFE is the tangible 

expression of an intangible SPIRIT Intelligence. For SPIRIT (intelligent energy) 

to become localized into this space time continuum and remove its essence from 

omnipresent to a localized point of reference , it needs to become condensed and

this is done by it being engulfed into a singularity vortex and spun and super compressed 

into a tangible atom of relativity. At the point of the mother to be in question who 

will give birth to this condensed SPIRIT being, when she fees the "QUICKENING! 

within her womb that is when the singularity point of reference touches down in

 her body, and the mother feels that "BUTTERFLY feeling" within her womb.

All  human beings are each a singularity point of reference, the reference point is in

the heart chakra  that is where the Divine ATOM singularity resides. We need to fully

understand that the full presentation of mankind is that the visible part is only 2%

of the full sequence presentation of mankind , our physical bodies are just the tip 

of the iceberg, 98% of our being is invisible . We are presented within five dimensional

layers of awareness which are called KOSHIC sheaths. The heart chakra like all of our

other chakras are not physical , the chakras are composed of electromagnetic light energy

they exist within the ETHERIC plane of reference. SOLE is about knowing who and what

we really are, life and existence are just our temporal visible expression, behind that FACADE

of form lies immortality and eternal bliss.

blessings warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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