Saturday 1 June 2024



This blog today entitled MIST is about the PRESENCE of MIND within this 

temporal relative universe and how all life universally is all "held" in the 

Absolute relative embrace of the MIND  of the Absolute SOURCE of all that

is within this universe. Here we need to try and fully understand what MIND 

actually is, and then recognise that MIND is universal and omnipresent it only

"APPEARS" to become localized  when encountered by a life force  entity

that has "I AM SELF AWARENESS" capabilities, like those that we have in

humanity. When looked into deeply MIND reveals that there is only ONE

MIND that exists within this universe, and that is the Absolute MIND of

the SOURCE  of all life universally. When we fully understand   this universal

FACT. we then realize that there is no such a thing as "MY MIND" or "YOUR

MIND" , we will see plainly that there is only ONE MIND  in this universe, and

all we do is to tune into it via our conscious  brain network. The Transcendent 

mind of the ONE SOURCE is also seen as the PRESENCE , PRESENCE and

MIND  are the same THING.  We can all feel a presence  within us especially in

times of crisis , when our backs are up against the wall, here in that desperate place

we can hear a still small inner voice of calmness and reassurance , that this crisis 

will pass and you will be okay. This inner voice of the presence is also that of

universal MIND , making conscious contact with you. We can all learn to make

conscious contact with the mind and presence by looking deeply within ourselves,

take up meditation and seek the inner silence, here your intuition will awaken 

you into conscious contact with the PRESENCE, which is your HIGHER SELF.

the SPIRIT  within your being.  MIST is about venturing within and clearing

away the FOG  of ignorance  from within, and therefore finding your true


warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family sand friends Thanks

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