Friday 28 June 2024



This blog today entitled ITSELF is about exploring the question from whence did

life come from ? , and how was it presented upon a newly formed universe. ALL

BEGAN, with an INTENTIONAL THOUGHT WAVE within Absolute MIND, this

caused motion  to arise from within perpetual motionlessness. The Motioning intention

wave , went onto form the matrix of this universe, and all space within its infinite 

embrace. In that primordial thought wave carried out into the motional maelstrom

of chaos  that of the absolute essence which is SPIRIT. This essence  went onto become

the five elemental forces that coalesced out from pure spirit,  which are Earth-Air-Fire-

Water- and the finest ethereal element the ETHEREAL element  that completed the

mixture  that would then permit life to be manifested within this motional cauldron 

of diverse energy manifestations. Here we need to realize that all life , which  includes

plants, insects. stars, planets. mankind, is basically that of SPIRIT. SPIRIT underpins

all life universally. The matrix of all phenomenal life is the invisible NOUMENON 

which is spirit. Now here is where all the elementals come into play. The elementals 

provide the bodies for all life (pure spirit)  to manifest within this relative universe.

With human beings we are presented here on Earth within five KOSHIC sheaths  of 

elemental coverings , five sheaths that permit the full sequence of a human being to 

become fully expressed within five dimensional layers of awareness . The five elements

which are all SPIRIT branched out into five levels of being , which embrace the full

INTENTION  MODE of ABSOLUTE SELF. Pure Spirit is Absolute unborn and eternal

to become presented as that thing called LIFE , it has to become condensed and localized

within a singularity vortex , which cloaks the spirit with the layers called KOSHIC sheaths.

Spirit cannot come into direct contact with gross matter, it has to become bathed in

elemental density.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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