Thursday 27 June 2024



This blog today entitled HAVOC is about two lines of force that intersect the

human body and form a CROSS exactly in the middle of the human body, at

the point where the heart chakra is placed in the Etheric dimension.  One  line

of force is horizontal , and the other line of force is vertical. The shape of this

cross is like that of the letter  t the horizontal line is the line we follow for many

incarnation gathering experiences and learning about who we are and what we feel.

The vertical line of force comes into play when we begin to question who we really

are and why we are here? When we start to look within us and seek out answers from

deep within our being.. Then we are beginning to ascend the vertical line of force 

in what we call ASCENSION. This inner cross has been known for thousands of 

years but kept hidden from the many, and only known by the few. for a human being 

to become fully aware and inner knowing means that our journey through many life

experiences incarnations , that we are slowly CRUCIFIED  on the cross of "BECOMING

BORN AGAIN" , being born again without having to enter the womb twice means  that of

"realization through experiences"  of just who and what you really are. It has 

absolutely nothing to d with any religion of belief , it is a natural law process programmed

into the law of evolution and expansion of awareness and consciousness ,If we have a 

faith or religion it is the same process for everyone eventually. When we have had enough 

horizontal experiences we then look upward and begin the climb up the vertical line of

force, that will begin our spiritual awakening process. HAVOC is about knowing your SELF

and taking steps explore the hidden depths within your self, to lead to ascension and 

spiritual awakening.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

If this blog resonates withinn you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks,

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