Saturday 29 June 2024



This blog today entitled SIMPLE is about how all life universally is that of SPIRIT

being presented within an infinite diverse ways all across this infinite universe.

SIMPLE  is the way that we can fully understand this process by looking within

ourselves and seeking and seeing the connectivity of all life to one SUPREME

INVISIBLE SOURCE. LIFE the word broken down spells out. Living-Intelligent

-Focused-Energy, so here we have that life is living , it is intelligent, focused  and

is energy. So if energy is intelligent and focused , then there must be a "FOCUSER"

who directs all life in this universe. This is a SIMPLE deduction of presented facts.

Science knows and understands to a point that all life shows intelligence and a direction

to follow, we may call this instinct , but it is also intelligence. Where did the instinct 

arise from? Humanity are all SPIRIT being presented within a human vehicle and further

presented within five dimensional levels of awareness . These dimensional coverings are

called KOSHIC sheaths , making a three fold expression into physical reality, which 

is that of being physical, mental, and spiritual. When we look within us deeply  we will

all see and understand this SIMPLE truth that in essence we are all Divine Spirit Being.

Our heritage is immortality and eternal being. Humanity have been on a long journey

through AEONS of time long past,  motioning through what we call evolution. We are 

now all self aware I am Beings, many have now woken up to this truth that we are all

SPIRIT. SIMPLE is a way of finding out who you really are.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

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