This blog entitled CIRCA is about how we imagine time to be real for us.
and in a relative sense it certainly seems that way. But if we examine what
time actually is, we will begin to realize that the concept of time is that of
"MOTIONAL ILLUSION" that we are all caught up in this motional
illusion , and thereby think that time is real. The only reality lies within the
Eternal NOW. The NOW is motionlessness and eternal and all life "MOTIONS
THROUGH" this now which is forever motionless. This motioning sequence
which is the home of this illusion of there being a thing called TIME, is called
EVOLUTION which basically means the motion of life through the conveyor
belt of evolution and ascension. The eternal NOW is zero motion, it has zero
atomic vibration, it remains eternally motionless and absolute, and all life
rotates, spins, spirals, around this ONE ETERNAL AXIS.
We all buy into this FABRICATION of time passing because we are all localized
within this ILLUSION by being fixed in a mortal vehicle called humanity, When
we become consciously aware of our inner spiritual being and that we are all immortal
in essence. We then begin to see through this illusion of time, and begin to recognise
the reality of NOW. When we can fully understand that we are all relative beings
caught up up in a motioning vibratory expression confined within a physical body
looking out at what appears to be changing things , like day and night, winter and
summer etc but all these things seem to occur , but actually happens in the NOW,
It is us that is moving with the flow of the life stream/river which is relative, but
within us lies Spirit which is unborn and eternal, all life universal rotates around
the FIXED absolute POINT of NOW!
warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.
If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.
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