Wednesday 19 June 2024



This blog today entitled DIADEM is about how we can all figuratively wear the 

CROWN JEWEL of the DIADEM of spiritual awakening , when we go within 

ourselves and seek out our true inner nature. Access to inner knowing  is often 

denied by our fixation of forever looking outward and at our plastic mobile devices.

Often we never seem to think about what lies deep within me? Or who the hell am I?

We seem too busy looking at what is out there! Sometimes it takes a major crisis to

arise in our lives before we find the need to look within. Do we fully understand our

presentation sequence here upon planet Earth ? our presentation here on Earth is a 

three fold sequence, we are all physical-mental- and spiritual  beings, it is so often

the case that the first two aspects of physical and mental  are used by us daily , however

the spiritual aspect is often neglected and overlooked , or even not being aware of its

existence!  To live a balanced life we need to link all three aspects of our presented

being. By taking time to look within ourselves ,we are then beginning to pay attention 

to our spiritual divine nature. This attention will begin to align you into becoming a 

complete unified being, this is about becoming WHOLE and unified within. Access

to our spiritual inner being is paramount in our journey through life, its completes the

circle of our inner destiny , and opens our minds to the realization that we are all 

Divine Immortal Beings. DIADEM is about knowing who you really are. We  are all

Spiritual BEINGS  here to find out our true nature and experience life as human beings.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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