Thursday 13 June 2024



This blog today entitled TANO is about looking into the meaning of the word 

"OTHERS". The master and sage SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI born 1879 and

died 1950 in India, was asked by a devotee the question of "How should I treat

others master?" To which RAMANA MAHARSHI  replied  "THERE are no

OTHERS"? What are we to make of this? And what are the implications of

this most profound statement by the great  MASTER?  What could we be other

from? Life maybe?  The implications of this mean very clearly that there is only

ONE SELF, ONE Absolute eternal ever present Divine Intelligence.   It further

implies that there is "NO PLURALITY in absolute Reality" It  implies that all

life universally is a visible phenomenal projected image of an invisible NOUMENON

which is that of Absolute Intelligence SELF. Humanity consists of eight billion human

beings but just "ONE SELF", Life is ONE, SPIRIT is ONE, so what are we the

eight billion humans???  When we understand the reality that there is zero plurality

in our reality, all is one and one is ALL. The Absolute SELF can be seen as ONE

JEWEL and  all life universally becomes infinite FACETS  of this one JEWEL.

That is what humanity consists of, we are all vehicles projected into time and

space by absolute Intelligence and are covered over by five KOSHIC sheaths of

dimensional divergences which permits the full sequence of the ideation life stream

to be fully presented into tangibility. There are indeed NO OTHERS, what could you

be OTHER FROM? All life is connected and interconnected to the whole of LIFE

which is an expression of the ONE SELF,

warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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