Tuesday 18 June 2024



This blog today entitled SIBLING  is about how all life humanity included , are

all connected and interconnected to each other by ONE Divine Source, of all

living expressions, which is that of the GREAT Absolute SPIRIT , some call GOD.

This Great Intelligence is within all life universally is wholly present within each

life form. All life at its matrix centre has a divine essence animating the life 

expression.  Humanity in truth are all SIBLINGS of the ONE SPIRIT, we in

effect are all brothers and sisters of the ONE GREAT invisible FATHER. 

Humanity is presented into a three fold expression which is physical, mental,

and spiritual, the spiritual aspect is our "ANCHOR TO DIVINIY" , it is our

connection to divine intelligence which lies deep within us all. We need to be

mindful of the fact that life has been evolving for billions of years and "WE"

as life have all been involved in this timeless process called evolution. LIFE (US)

have been motioning through LIFE's evolution sequence for AEONS long past.

Now humanity is waking up to the realization that we are Divine Beings, here we

begin to see that all of humanity is fully connected and interconnected to each other.

We are all brothers and sisters of the ONE DIVINE SOURCE. Within each human

being is a  DIVINE ATOM  which is your Direct ANCHOR to the Divine SOURCE.

Humanity has finally AWOKEN UP after its AEONIC slumber and is now beginning

to see and reveal "THE BIG PICTURE" .We are all Divine NUMEN SPIRIT Beings

who are all gradually waking up and "smelling those proverbial ROSES" . SIBLING

is now approaching ADULTHOOD  and knowing that we are Divine immortal  Being..

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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