Tuesday 4 June 2024



This blog today entitled ENTIFY is about how Divine Eternal Spirit , enters

into the presentation sequence and becomes an infinite diverse expression of

the ONE Divine ENTITY. We, you who are reading this now are one of

these ENTIFIED formations, called a human being. All universal life is that

of ENTIFIED spirit formed and shaped  into whatever evolutionary cycle 

spirit wants to experience.  Humanity a collection of eight billion human 

ENTIFYING vehicles of the ONE Absolute Spirit. Humanity stands at the

APEX POINT in its evolutional cycle. We each have that GOD LIKE knowing

that  we can say "I AM"  just like GOD said to MOSES  many moons ago.

Humanity stands on the brink of full SELF KNOWING, many great sages over 

the past few centuries have indeed fully realized  themselves and many today 

are also waking up to full knowing who and what they really are. When we can

fully know and can fully understand who this "I" actually IS then we wake up

into Knowing SELF. Within us lie two  selves the lower self which is the ego and

personality, and the higher SELF which is that of ETERNAL SPIRIT  UNBORN

and EVER BEING.  WE are that ENTITY that knows  NO OTHER THAN ITSELF

WE are THAT, Our destiny our DNA is there within us all , we have but to go within

ourselves , look deeply within us and begin the waking up process, into fully realizing

who and what we all really are! The experiences that you gather in this life incarnation

will eventually lead you into this full realization of your immortal Divine Identity.

LOVE is at the centre of all life expressions although at times it is difficult to see this

But believe it is there if we look deeply within ourselves. The ENTITY  of LOVE is


warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

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