Thursday 6 June 2024



This blog today entitled QUEER is about how everything in this relative universe

is totally and absolutely connected and interconnected to everything else within this

ONE Infinite energy vibrational field of Divine Intelligent Energy. ALL is connected

to ALL within this universe. There are NO GAPS or SPACES  anywhere in this

universe, the Intelligent Energy Field is TOTAL and Absolute, ALL is fully 

embraced within its infinite scope. Quantum science recognises the entanglement 

of particles , that if they effect one particle another will be immediately affected 

no matter how far apart they are. Soon Quantum science will further recognise that

every atom and every particle in this universe is wholly connected  to each other.

We have to fully realize that SPACE is ONE  Infinite energy grid of Intelligent 

Spirit energy One Field ONLY. All life rises out of this field of SPACE ENERGY

and thereby occupies that space with its Presence. So when we fully understand that

there if just ONE Infinite Ocean of Intelligent Energy Field and we are all 

embedded firmly into this ocean of energy, we can then fully understand that all

is connected to ALL. This FIELD OF SPACE is ONE FIELD infinite and totally

connected there is ZERO DISTANCE from anywhere in this field, a star which

may seem a billion light years from Earth is really within the same field at the same

time as we are on Earth. The idea of any such a thing  called distance in this field

is totally ABSURD. Where  could distance arise when ALL is FULLY connected to

ALL in this infinite field  of space. Humanity is fully connected  in this field. 

Eight billion physical bodies , but all connected to ONE UNIFIED FIELD of 

Intelligent ENERGY.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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