Monday 10 June 2024



This blog today entitled COCK is about how we can through looking deeply within

ourselves, by taking up meditation or yoga, can and will become more awake to who

and what we really are. Clarity of coherent knowing can and could be seen as meaning

that of wisdom. Wisdom arises within us when we are in touch with our inner true

self. We are not taught wisdom it arises within us by the process of uncovering 

what lies deep within us all. Wisdom or clarity of coherent knowing arises 

spontaneously within us when we can listen deeply within us when all thoughts 

are stilled. Deep inner knowing will reveal to you very clearly that you  we are not

here to learn anything in particular, rather we are here to UNCOVER what lies

within us all. We will see and understand that there is a deep blanket of ignorance

that covers over the full picture of just  who and what we really all are. By entering

into the silence within us , we are slowly uncovering out true Immortal Identity.

The ancient GREEKS knew well this need t know ourselves, when they wrote the 

words "MAN KNOW THYSELF" on the entrance to the temple of APOLLO  in

DELPHI. We all have a real need to know who and what you really are, which is 

much more than just a physical body vehicle. All wisdom all knowing  lie deep 

within you fight now. All you have to do is to uncover it from within yourself.

Its not about learning anything at all, its about UNCOVERING what lies within 

you right now! The answer to all your questions lie deep within you now. Look

there ignite the sacred flame of LIFE tune into your INTUITION , find the GURU 

who is the real YOU, there waiting to make your acquaintance today,  all wisdom lies

within you dear reader of this blog, LOOK THERE.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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