Monday 17 June 2024



This blog today entitled DOOR is about how we all can open that inner DOOR 

and thereby awaken into full SELF knowing. The Divine OM or AUM vibrates 

and regulates this entire relative universe in one Infinite Divine orchestration of

vibratory unifying and intelligent cohesion of all energy upwelling's. THE OM

or AUM  vibrates at the rate of 1044 times per second. I made a short poem about

this which is, "1044 opens the inner DOOR" that inner DOOR  is out INTUITION

faculty, literally  all life universally blinks in and out of existence 1044 times per

second, 522 times we are present in this universe, and 522 times per second we are not

here in this plane of existence. That is what the OM AUM really is its vibratory rate

keeps the illusion of permanent cohesion by its rapidity of motioning. The DOOR to

full SELF knowing lies within our INTUITION and to make contact with it  we need

to turn our gaze inward. Take up meditation or yoga. learn to still all thoughts, then in

the silence we will make contact with our intuition , the intuition opens our awareness 

to the PRESENCE of OM , OM  can be seen as the GRACE of the Divine Spirit, by

tuning into the OM through our intuition , this will bring about an expansion of awareness

and consciousness. The music of the spheres, lie within us all deeply . The OM is the

CONDUCTOR of the SPHERES of inner learning, The musical notes vibrations are

decoded by your mind into thoughts of inner knowing. This process uncovers the real you

buried under a blanket  of ignorance, and as you tune into the notes of vibration it will 

awaken you into full SELF inner Knowing, by fully opening your inner "DOOR"!!!!

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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