Sunday 9 June 2024



This blog today entitled INKLING is about understanding and being able to tune

into that most paramount important faculty we each have within us, which is our

INTUITION . INTUITION is the gateway and the inner door that will lead us all

into fully knowing ourselves. The numen gateway is the spiritual path that lies

within us all that will awaken us into fully knowing ourselves.. The word NUMEN

is a Latin word  meaning, "a nod of the head," or divine will". Our intuition can 

open out our inner spirituality and begin to teach us what our Divine heritage 

really means. The word INTUITION  means literally to be "taught from within"

Our intuition is a divine faculty inbuilt within every human being, it can become 

our very own personal GURU. To make conscious contact with ur intuition we

need to take up meditation or yoga, and begin looking and seeking out what lies 

deep within us all,  Our inner guru the intuition stands at the door which will reveal

to you your true inner divine identity. Within us lie two selves the lower ego self 

which is our personality and feelings of individuality, then there is the higher SELF

which our intuition will introduce you to this HIGHER SELF is that of your inner

NUMEN spiritual being. By seeking out our intuition we begin the waking up

process rising up from our ignorance of being  , to fully understanding and knowing

who we really are. INKLING is about being able to seek out your true and divine 

inner nature, to rise above the ignorance of not knowing , and into the sunlight of

spirit knowledge. We each have intuition within us , it is ur personal responsibility

to seek it out from within us, and then embark upon a journey of full self knowing.

We owe it to ourselves to seek this inner truth for ourselves.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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