Thursday 20 June 2024



This blog today entitled  IF is about what we call a universe is really an infinite

FLAT ocean of intelligent ENERGY, and from within this ocean all life arises,

just as a wave arises on the oceans on Earth. The word UNI VERSE means that 

of a UNINTED VERSE, and the united verse becomes the universal OM/AUM

musical  tone which underpins all expressed life and holds it in its intelligent

embrace. Which is a vibrational sequenced signature of relative life forces, 

"you and me"! This infinite flatness , this ocean of intelligent energy which we call

space , Space is the ocean that all life., stars, planets, emerge and become localized 

into a compressed inner density. WE all "OCCUPY"  SPACE by our formalized 

presence within it., We have an infinite flat surface of intelligent energy , not only

is it flat but it also has no depth, a dead flat surface , all distance is an illusion caused

by our localized being in this space time continuum . The intelligent energy that we are

all made of is all omnipresent , but when compressed into density it looses its 

omnipresence and thereby becomes a relative image of form. All life including us

that of humanity are all holographic images that arise out of the limitless ocean of 

intelligent energy we call space. The arising sequence out from pure intelligent energy

causes a compression due to the fact that the holographic image consists of infinitely

compressed energy into a singularity vortex underneath our present form lies our 

true being which is that of SPIRIT. SPIRIT is absolute Intelligence and all life is

that of an infinite facet of this ONE SOURCE of ALL. When we fully know 

ourselves, we will plainly see the relative illusion that seems all around us.

warmest regards michael, any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks. 

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