Friday 21 June 2024



This blog today entitled DIE is about how our lower ego self has to eventually

DIE, in order that we can become fully alive, and awakened into our true immortal

identity. What is here called Divine Intelligent Energy  is called by us that of SPACE.

"SPACE is an ENTITY" according to the ancient wisdom maxim. From this ENTITY

of SPACE all life arise out of this matrix  of space which is intelligent divine energy,

from the fluid flowing living intelligent energy, we as expressed life are then condensed

into a formalized physical body, the fluid "LIFE FORCE" condenses into order that

you can gain purchase in this physical dense realm. This begs the question of where was

I before this condensing process into physical life?  Well the answer to that question

is that most likely you were in an Astral body  within the astral universe. The astral 

body is far far less dense than the physical one, its more like a "mind with an aural 

energy light profile around the point of central being". There are seven main realms

and forty nine sub planes making a total of fifty six  areas of placement, each realm

differs in density, and we can only be aligned into the astral density that we resonate

with.. Here on Earth we are to really find out our true inner nature, which  is to reveal

fully the Higher SELF which is that of SPIRIT/spiritual awareness. The lower self

which is ego and personality has to eventually DIE, so that you can FULLY LIVE!

But this take time and many incarnations to fully achieve this SELF REALIZATION

within us. Each life time we chip away a bit more of this ego and the ignorance that

accompanies the ego and personality. Basically we all our ENERGY that is conscious

and in motion. All we have to do is align ourselves with this intelligent energy and seek

out who we really are. DIE is about knowing your HIGHER SELF.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks

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