Wednesday 26 June 2024



This blog today entitled MOM is about something that is the Primal MOVER 

and SHAKER of all universal expression. This PRIMAL FORCE which 

underpins this entire universe is that of  MOTION. We need to ask from where 

does all universal motion arise from? MOTION is the CAUSELESS CAUSE 

that primordial motion that arose from out of Absolute Motionlessness. absolute

stillness. MOTION was "BORN ALOFT" within that primordial  INTENTION

thought WAVE in the MIND of Absolute Intelligence. All universal ENERGY was

born aloft this primordial intention wave, Intention-Motion-Energy that is the 

sequence of BECOMING. The Magnificence of motion is never had a lot of

attention, yet all our lives are a direct result of being motioned "MOVED"  into

place and born on Earth. This sequence of living expression are all made possible 

by motion. Motion is the PRIMAL MATRIX of this universe , all atomic and sub

atomic vibrations are all underpinned by Motion Absolute. Motion is the GRACE

0f divine WISDOM, manifested throughout this universe. All our feelings and

emotions are all motional interactions. We use the words I was "MOVED" by my

feelings of love for this or that. Being MOVED is the CARESS of motion upon 

the life field of the being. Love is a motional and emotional force . MOM  is about

waking up to the understanding that MOTION is the force that will eventually wake

you up into full self knowing , by moving you along a path that the experiences you

engage with will cause you to look within. There you will find the MATRIX of

MOTION  which is that of eternal stillness, and deep inner peace. Motion arises

out from stillness , the causeless cause was INTENTION to MOVE  and BECOME

that which has Motion.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates wthin you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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