Tuesday 11 June 2024


This blog today entitled AROSE will try and lay out what the AKASHIC records 

actually are, and from where did it arise from? To answer that question we need to look

way back into the past , here is an ancient wisdom occult maxim  which states that 

"SPACE IS AN ENTITY". This fact was known many thousands of years ago. now

in this blog I will marry the two apparent things into one Homogeneous whole. SPACE

is the ENTITY that ALL LIFE arises out of and thereby occupies that space with its 

PRESENCE. Here lies the clue that SPACE and the AKASHIC RECORDS  are really

one of the SAME THING. SPACE AKASHIC RECORDS is where life emerges out

from. Humanity all eight billion of us are all fully occupying Space by our presence

within it. The AKASHIC records or SPACE records  everything that the life form does

for the entirety of its presented sequence on Earth, all our experiences are CATALOGED

upon a electromagnetic strip  which is thereby magnetized to your unique expression

signature.. When we die(change venues) and arrive within the Astral realms . The 

magnetic tape from your past experiences will be remembered within your awareness.

We need to be mindful that these recordings are operated by Divine wisdom and are

there for you to learn from and educate yourself into LIFE'S harmonic sequences. There

is ZERO JUDGEMENT by any so called "DEITY". The ONLY JUDGE permitted

in REALITY is "YOU"!!!!! YOURSELF, YOU judge your past  life in full integrity

and self honesty, you take stock of your past life and adjust accordingly. There are no

judges in REALITY, because MANKIND is the only judge of ITSELF. In the ASTRAL

realm we cannot pretend as we do here, there we feel what is real and honest very acutely.

Warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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