Wednesday 12 June 2024



This blog today entitled HIM is about  explaining how the HEM of the Holy

Spirit lies within ourselves, when we enter into the silence of zero thoughts 

and deep listening. The HEM of Spirit is the MEMBRANE that separates 

the Absolute from this relative universe. In LUKE 8-46 from the Bible we

find JESUS who seemed to embody this membrane , say the words, Jesus said

" Someone has touched me I know that power and virtue have gone out from me"

The Membrane acts as the FABRIC (CLOTH)  of the Absolute , we can all spiritually 

TOUCH this HOLY CLOTH which is the garment of the Absolute SOURCE of all

there is. By going deep within ourselves, taking up meditation or yoga , we enter into

the "INNER VERSE" here when all thoughts are stilled and cease , there ensues an

expansion of awareness and consciousness , as the deep listening becomes most 

profound we expand exponentially until our awareness and consciousness "IMPINGE"

upon the MEMBRANE that separates  Absolute from relativity. The MEMBRANE

is the "clothing of Divine Spirit , by touching the membrane we are bathed in SPIRIT

PRESENCE and LOVE, which opens our understanding and reveals a wisdom download

of expanded inner knowing.. HIM is about us taking the time to turn our GAZE inwards

and begin the process of fully waking up to our true Immortal Divine inner nature.

The HOLY GARMENT lies within you dear reader of this blog, all you have to do 

is to look within yourself. Seek it out and expand your inner knowing and be also 

blessed by being anointed by the membrane of Divine SPIRIT Intelligence.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Than ks.

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