Friday 7 June 2024



This blog today entitled ELECT is about how all life and existence came to be 

BORN into BEING by a Primordial Thought Intention Wave from within Absolute

Mind. This occurred AEONS ago and gave birth to what we now call the universe,

"WE" meaning life and existence are all the "very elect" which arose out from that

Primordial IDEATION thought wave , and became what we all our now today. Life

and existence are in truth one of the same thing, you cannot have one without the other.

Existence comes from the LATIN word "EXISTERE" which means to stand forth, stand

out from, so life stands out from the background of existence. Behind all life and 

existence lies that which they emerge from , which is that of SPIRIT and spirit is

totally transcendent of both life and existence. Because life and existence all have a 

beginning and an end, whereas spirit is UNBORN and ETERNAL. Humanity is that

of life that has moved very far from its insertion into the the thought stream of Absolute

MIND, AEONS have passed and we have arrived  at a APEX POINT in our 

evolutionary journey within this relative universe . We now have I AM SELF 

AWARENESS who can now consciously know ourselves, and begin to see and

understand our Divine Heritage . we all our SPIRIT deep within our inner matrix

of being. We each have an invisible PRESENCE within us all. This PRESENCE

is found in our INTUITION  when we look within ourselves we will find our

intuition and that inner small voice will reveal your true Divine Immortal nature.

We all are the very ELECT who are nearing our journeys end in this evolutionary 

journey, we  are all beginning to wake up and see  and realize that humanity is a 

spiritual collection of SPIRIT  beings wrapped up in a flesh and blood vehicle. The

ELECT are waking up to their Divine Spirit Heritage.

warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please  pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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