Thursday 9 May 2024



This blog today entitled UPSET is about how we can fully understand the so called

phenomenon of endless things, which in truth all dissolve back into one singularity.

This can be expressed in a way like this "there is no plurality in absolute reality".

Relativity wise there is indeed a seemingly endless number of different things, but they

all have one common basic nature and that is they are all made out of just ONE THING

which is ENERGY, now this energy can be that of a solid like hard matter, a liquid

like water, a gas like our atmosphere, or a plasma like that of a star. Four different 

states of just ONE THING which is energy. Energy is the singularity that pulses this 

relative universe with its atomic vibrational beat. All THINGS eventually resolve 

back into ONE PRIMAL MATRIX  which is energy. This infinite energy is also

intelligent  and is what could be called "a perspective law of expression" . When we

trace the home of energy , from WHENCE does it arise from?  One universal energy

arises from  ONE Absolute MIND of  the SOURCE SINGULARITY.  All energy

within this universe  arose from ONE SINGULAR INTENTION thought WAVE

from within the Absolute Singularity MIND. This Intention,  Life, Motion energy wave 

gave birth to all MOTION which then became energy this energy became forces and

laws  and became life. The Absolute manifested a relative sphere we call the universe

so that motion and life could seem to have motional appearances and experiences.

This reveals that in relativity with very limited vision things all seem to be many and

all different, In absolute terms there is no plurals in presence whatsoever,.  We anchored

in a relative sphere called the universe are surrounded by an infinity of the same thing

but we see them as many, which in truth there is but one,

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook  Soul Realization

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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