Tuesday 7 May 2024



This blog today entitled NEAR is about throwing some light on the Divine Paradox

which states that"  ALL IS NOTHING-AND THAT NOTHING IS ALL", what

then is NO-THING that equates exactly with ALL? Here we need to look very closely

into what is this "ALL" that equates with  nothing?  This universe has but ONE FORCE

that is omnipresent within this universe and is the only basic ingredient that exists within

this universe, this ONE vital ingredient is that of  INTELLIGENT ENERGY. This

whole universe is ONE INTELLIGENT ENERGY FIELD. This energy can be

a solid-liquid-gas-plasma, it is the vibrating source of all life, planets, stars, that exist 

within this universe. So the basic equation here is that ALL is ENERGY and ENERGY

is ALL. So the next part of the paradox is that of what really is ENERGY, and from whence

does it emerge from? Here we need to look closely into the hidden matrix  of energy, and

from where does it emerge from? When we do this we will find that at the core matrix 

of all energy universally lies that of Absolute MIND.  We need to fully understand that

this universe is a product  of THOUGHT. DIVINE IDEATION thought this universe

into being, and that  Intention Thought Wave is the MATRIX of all motioning  ENERGY

in this universe. Thought Intention manifest  MOTION and motion is thought intention

ENERGY, NO-THING is that of the ALL THING which is Absolute SPIRIT ,Absolute

spirit is the complete and ABSOLUTE ALLNESS of ALL BEING  it is that which is ALL.

It is the ONE THING that is the ALL THING meaning that it is NO-THING and also the ALL

THING SIMULTANEOUSLY.  NEAR is about us understanding that we all life universally

are the expressions of this ONE ABSOLUTE NO-THING, which is Absolute Intelligent

SPIRIT, and "WE" are ALL WITHIN its LOVING EMBRACE, we are all eternal being

in essence.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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