Wednesday 1 May 2024



This blog today entitled EULOGY is about opening up our understanding of just how

paramount importance the five elemental forces of Earth-Air-Fire-Water-Ethereal

element play in providing the necessary ingredients in making life to be able to 

become a tangible presence in this universe. The five elements provide the physical

embodiment the vehicle that carries the life essence which is that of Pure Spirit.

Life being expressed is a universal expression, this whole universe is teeming 

with life and each one of these infinite life  forms is covered over by KOSHIC 

sheaths which are provided by the intelligent elemental forces, which are Ethereal

intelligent energy that has become condensed and coalesced into tangible material

vehicles of expression. What we often overlook  though is the infinite amount of

stars and planets that abound in this universe, all those  are embodied by the elemental

forces of intelligent energy,  every star every planet has at its invisible core that  of

a spirit ATOM which is then clothed  by the elements providing a vehicle fro that

star-planet . Consider our planet Earth which many call GAIA meaning that this 

planet Earth is a living force of intelligent energy. Humanity all eight billion of us

are all vehicles of elemental coverings . We have five KOSHIC sheaths layers of

dimensional awareness and at the centre of our being lies that Divine Spirit ATOM

which animates the vehicle which  is the physical body. EULOGY is about the 

SONG of LIFE  that is being SUNG by our embodiment  vehicles which are busy

collecting experiences of tangible life. Humanity has the ability to look within itself

and make conscious contact with that Divine PRESENCE that is the divine ATOM

which lies at the core matrix of our being. Look within and find your TRUE Immortal


warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass in onto your family and friends Thanks.

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