Tuesday 28 May 2024



This blog today entitled SPIRALS is about the presentation sequence that enables

Divine Spirit to SPIRAL into a singularity vortex which spins and condenses 

ETHERAL Intelligent energy at light speed super compressing this fluid intelligent

energy which roars in a violent EDDY of tapering down into a singularity sub

atomic point of localized perceptive awareness. SPACE is the Intelligent living

theatre where all life emerges into and thereby occupies this localized point of

emergence into this relative space time continuum. All life universally and this

also includes all the stars and planets, spiral or rotate into a vortex of expression.

The  expression becomes the phenomenon, but the "IDEA"  behind that physical

expression into this space time continuum is that of the invisible NOUMENON .

which is Absolute Intelligence which is the SOURCE OF ALL. Humanity all eight

billion of us are all expressed this way. Each human being which is a vehicle for the

Divine Intelligence which presented itself into this domain, through the vehicle that

"YOU" now occupy. Our physical bodies vehicles are completely and totally 

surrounded by a double doughnut shaped torus field of undulating electromagnetic 

light energy and at the centre point which is in your heart chakra is that sub atomic 

point of singularity , that anchors you here upon this planet Earth GAIA. Our full

presentation  sequence consists of five layers of dimensional awareness these layers are

called  KOSHIC SHEATHS , five points of Divine Anchorage which keeps you 

balanced and localized into this universal continuum. YOU are called LIFE and LIFE

means that of  Spirit Eternal , becoming localized and clad in KOSHIC SHEATHS

to experience motioning relativity.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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