Monday 13 May 2024



This blog today entitled BROW FEED is about the five Elemental riders of Divine 

Will  that issued out of Divine Absolute MIND within that Primordial Intention Thought

Wave , that gave birth to this universe. Riding aloft this primordial intention thought 

wave the FIVE Divine CHARIOTEERS  who were the primal riders of Divine Will

who issued out with the grand  plan of universal Celestial order and to make 

harmonic resonance out of the primal CHAOS that was presented into relativity 

at the time of presentation into a relative motional state.. The five elemental riders 

of Divine will are that of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and the Ethereal gossamer element

that is the primal overall element universally in place and is the first KOSHIC awareness

layer that enfolds Divine Spirit essence. BROW FEED  is about that which emanates 

from the BROW of Absolute MIND , and formed this universe out of thought, so that

life and existence could be born aloft that Divine IDEATION within a relative unified

field of relative and varying opportunities . The FEED is the elemental riders of 

that will  those Divine CHARIOTEERS  which are the five elemental divine 

intelligent energies. The intention IDEATION thought seed is radiated out from

source and with intelligent motioning , the elemental energies use this life essence 

in infinite diverse ways of expression, Being mindful that this whole universe is

FULLY ALIVE there is no such thing as DEAD MATTER ,all the stars and planets 

are all alive and vibrating with the AUM/OM signature. This whole universe is the

abode of elemental intelligences , within  relativity the equation is that of elemental ALL

and within all is elemental. The relative universe is primary Elemental . All life and

existence are visible because they all have an Elemental KOSHIC awareness layer.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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