Tuesday 21 May 2024



This blog today entitled FACADE is about what lies BENEATH the FACADE of

FORM, we call human life? The word FACADE in the dictionary states "meaning

"a deceptive outward appearance" so this blog will look deeply into what lies beneath

this FACADE of a human body vehicle? Who and what are we really beneath this

physical presented formalized body?  All life in this universe consists of intangible 

intelligent energy , which aligns itself to a about to be formed life presentation and

then condenses and coheres itself into the required density needed for that particular

life stream presentation. When we look at humanity what do we find? Well first the

presentation sequence of a human being consists  of five KOSHIC sheaths which are

basically dimensional layers of presented awareness each layer becomes more dense

than the previous until the most dense layer which is the physical  body is achieved.

So if we ask then what actually is a human being?  And further ask then what is life?

Human beings and life are all presented Spiritual Energy which is Absolute Intelligence

and all wisdom, our inner essence is Eternal Absolute Being, Pure Spirit Energy

which has been condensed and cloaked down into five layers of Elemental KOSHIC

sheaths . We are all Eternal BEING  having a temporal existence as a human life

form here on the stage of planet Earth, so that we can gather experiences of tangible

living and the interactions of being mobile and alive. Our FACADE of the human body

is only a temple for the Divine Spirit ,  that animates this vehicle with its will.

We are here to gather experiences, and also to wake up and realize our true immortal

divine inner nature. Our IDENTITY is that of DIVINE Immortal BEING. Man know thyself

is the axiom on the ancient GREEK temple of APOLLO. when we fully know ourselves

we then see that we are the PRESENCE of SPIRIT informed within a human body.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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