Monday 6 May 2024



This blog today entitled UPON is about how we can all know our true Divine 

inner nature by looking within ourselves and uncovering what lies beneath this

"FACADE of FORM" we call a human being ? Contrary to what we are often

told about life, that we are here to learn things about life,  we think that we really 

are here to learn things. But the deeper nature of why we are here is to UNCOVER

our true inner nature that lies hidden away within us under a thick blanket of 

ignorance. By going within ourselves and taking up the practice of meditation 

or yoga , we can then begin to look deeply within ourselves. Where are we presented

from? And for what reason? Who are we really?  All these questions will  be answered

if we venture deep within ourselves and become able to enter into an inner deep silence,

where all thoughts cease. Here in that inner silence we will begin to reveal the true

nature of our being. We will soon make contact with that still small inner voice, this

inner voice  that often speaks to us when we are in a crisis situation  offering us words

of comfort. This inner voice is our faculty of INTUITION every human being on this

planet has INTUITION  inbuilt within them. The word INTUITION means literally to

"BE TAUGHT FROM WITHIN"  your intuition will become your very own PERSONAL

GURU  a teacher that will open up and begin UNCOVERING those layers of ignorance

that veil your knowing of who you really are . You will soon realize that your intuition

GURU is really your HIGHER SELF, your spiritual higher self,  as opposed to 

your lower self ego self and personality. By going within and making conscious contact 

with your inbuilt intuition you will then know your true Divine immortal Spirit nature.

You will become awakened into spiritual knowledge and divine wisdom.

warmest regards michael

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail/com any feedback welcomed Facebook soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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